Award winning art as featured in the following publications
Goodman Games
(Dungeon Crawl Classics [DCC], Mutant Crawl Classics [MCC], 5e Fantasy, Dungeon Denizens) -
Gaming Honors
Horse Shark Games
Basic Fantasy
Miskatonic Repository (Chaosium Creator Community)
Colin Richards Art (self-publication)
First Place, Chaos in the Marsh of Madness
Garycon XIII Crucible Writing Contest -
First Place, Dreams of a Distant Land
Cranberry Artists Network, 20 / 20 Vision Show
Published Adventures
Chaos in the Marsh of Madness
A D&D 5e adventure -
Signal to Noise
A 1980s Analog Horror scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7e
Gold Bestseller -
Omega Kappa DIE!!!
A modern, very-drunken horror-comedy scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7e
Dungeon Crawl Classics Core Rulebook, 12th Printing
Dungeon Denizens
OAR #7: Dark Tower
OAR #9: Caverns of Thracia
X-Crawl Classics Core Rulebook
DCC Lankmar #13: Treachery in the Beggar City
DCC Free RPG Day 2023: Piercing the Demon's Eye
DCC Horror #8: Night of the Bog Beast
DCC #103: Bloom in the Blood Garden
DCC #100: The Music of the Spheres is Chaos
DCC Lankmar #14: Thieves of Cold Corner
Original Adventures Reincarnated: Dark Tower
DCC Holiday #11: Came the Monsters of Mid-Winter
DCC Holiday #12: Love Mutants of Castle Heartache
5e Fantasy #24: The Prism of Redemption
5e Fantasy #22: Caverns of the Sea Strangers
DCC Empire of the East: The Hunt for the Howling God
MCC #14: Mayhem on the Magtrain
DCC Day 2023 Adventure Pack
All Chimeras Great and Small
Chateau of Stolen Memories
O Happy Dagger
River of Lies
The Core Queen Slumbers
Basic Fantasy Core Rules
Basic Fantasy CS 2: The Dark Temple
Basic Fantasy KH 1: The Blackapple Brugh